From this Place
After years of maintaining an on again, off again blog, I’ve moved my writing to Substack. Sign up to get occasional newsletters with writing, a book recommendation, and a recipe in your inbox.
"Abandoned" Mothers Always Write. November 2015.
"Endgame" Midwest Review. April 2016.
"Exposure" Under the Sun. Summer 2016.
"La Rentrée" Ascent. November 2015.
“Life in the Infertility Belt" Eclectica. July/August 2014.
"Spoken Word" Relief blog. April 2016.
"The Transformation" Under The Gum Tree. January 2016.
"The Syria Refugee Crisis: Considering a Christian Response" The Well. December 2015.
"Selma and Gilead: Thoughts on James, Justice, and Gravy" InterVarsity's The Well. March 2015.
"Gifts to Empty Places" The Well. January 2015.
"Ebola" The Well. September 2014.
"Louie Zamparini and Loving the Other" The Well. July 2014.
How to Wait in a Consultation Room Living Waters Peace Center. A
Meet the author interview Under the Gum Tree. April 2016.
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